I'm just going to do bullet points for me to jog my memory.
- Night Market at uni. Lots of yummy food from all different countries, seriously Cornell you are lacking. Live performance with an emo band HAHA, it is so awkward watching unnatural performers that haven't been trained by professionals to look "cool" while they rock out to their guitars or jump around stage singing into the mic. They imitate, but not quite well enough and it's just funny and adorkable and it kind of ruins their street cred. Confession: I am a total sucker for azn anime hair that sticks up all crazy (and you know it's with massive amounts of hair gel). It is my guilty pleasure.
- Watching the movie Taken, which reminded me a lot of Trade. It's unbelievable how people can dissociate themselves so much from human emotions. I imagine that human traffickers must either be psychopaths by the clinical definition or psychopaths because they are so unbelievably self-serving and evil. The movie villains basically echoed the same sentiment: It's just business, no need to get personal here. As a sane, emotion human being, I don't think anyone could understand how that sentence EVEN MAKES SENSE WHEN IT COMES TO SELLING PEOPLE. There must be some chasm of CRAZINESS or MISANTHROPY that you have to cross to be part of sex/human trafficking.
- Late night talks with Cathy and Astrid about our crazy families and growing up too fast. Very satisfying, insightful conversations that make me feel thankful these girls let me know so much about them :).
- AHAHAH GETTING LOST WITH ASTRID ON THE WAY BACK FROM TURF. REALIZING THAT WE WE WALKED MORE THAN 40 MINUTES IN THE WRONG DIRECTION because we were so engrossed in our conversation...almost getting trapped in uni hahahahah oh man. my legs hurt for DAYS after that lol.
- HIIIII BENJA!!! I'm sorry I only got to see you for one night 4/21 :(, but it was a very, very fun night! The only bad part is that I felt homesick the entire day afterwards haha. Alright this happened the day I got back from Easter Break (which will be a whole new post...sometime?). Arranged to meet at Flinder's Station, couldn't find each other haha until Benja comes out of nowhere and yay hugs! Mm, then me babbling and walking into people...Benja guiding me out of the way of obstacles. I didn't realize my klutziness was so well-known that people around me automatically accomodate for it. **Ahaha now I'm remembering how Jenica always complains I walk diagonally and shove her off the sidewalk, and Dan subtly nudging me toward the right direction--AHH I MISS YOU GUYS (EVEN THOUGH YOU NEVER READ THIS JEN BABY)!!!!!!!! ** Met Michael and Lauren, who are total sweethearts! Then got Shanghai Dumplings after wandering around in the maze of alleys that is Chinatown. Feeling like unwanted children by the very curt and NOT helpful waittress while trying to figure out how the whole process of getting water/plates worked. Went to get some yummy gelato from the place at Melbourne Central...making that poor girl wait lol while we asked her what all the different flavors were, erk. Sitting on State Library lawn again eating our ice cream messily and generally ending up totally sticky and gross. Proceed with Michael to Cho Gao's and then Lion's (during which I realize I lost my phone and had to go look for it on the lawn...ahah *awkward turtle*). Then more fun conversations :). ALL IN ALL A VERY SATISFYING VISIT.
- essay, essays, essays, more freaking out about essays, which I turned in today...only to find out that two more assignments have been posted due in two weeks *is dead*. hokay i'm too brain dead because i've pulled two all nighters within 3 days and I am t-t-t-t-tired. WILL MAYBE UPDATE WITH MORE LATER. <3!
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