Saturday, March 28, 2009

So I have 2 essay and 2 assignments to finish before a Easter break...and this is a nice enough reason to procrastinate.

Lately I've been a bit of a homebody (and lazy), so I haven't been going out to many clubs. That's not to say that I don't have a lot of fun back at UniLodge though. I just happen to enjoy movie nights and pretending to study while actually having random side tangents that usually end up being about feminism? Frigging Sex and the Screen + pervy men. It's amazing how many "uncomfortable" moments I've already endured in Melbourne. Having an old man of AT LEAST 60 with thinning white hair ogle my boobs and make a slurping noise will forever haunt me. All this attention would be flattering if it weren't for the fact that EW EW EW.

I played in a mini-poker tournament the other day which was pretty fun. Everyone chipped in $2 and whoever won got the entire pot. I have no poker face, so I eventually got beat outtt but I wasn't the first person to lose so that's okay haha! While we were playing there were 3 fire alarms...I did not leave for any of them. It is really too bad that if there actually is a fire, we will all die. tis the fire alarm who cried...FIRE? too many times.

Vic Market for groceries again!! It is so cheap, way more so than even Farmer's Market back in Ithaca. I was kind of lost because there were just so many vendors selling the same vegetables/fruits! An older Azn gentleman saw my confusion and I think took pity on me b/c he gave me advice on how to pick the freshest produce. He kind of looked like my grandpa, so when he came out with a really strong Australian accent, I was definitely caught off guard haha. I realized that most people, when they see me at a loss or asking them questions, either think that they should help me b.c I am so pathetic/harmless? or that they should pretend to help me but actually exploit me. HMMM. Maybe I should work on being more intimidating...

The next day, went to St. Kilda's again over the past weekend, yay sun and beach! Tried out some meat pies (which are actually quite yummy), bought a few things. Attempted to go out but failed because I am a bum haha...

which is why I decided to go out this weekend. Went to Perseverance again on Thursday -- fun music, justin again with the amazing 90's flashbacks shouting, "OHEMGEE GREAT SONG. AGAIN. HOW DO THEY DO THIS?" But perhaps more entertaining than him was my battle with gravity before we even got to the club itself. In my defense, I was being a good wingwoman and helping my man Dave-o with his sort of resembled Alfalfa from the Little Rascals movie. He's a tall enough bloke, so when I was looking up, I totally missed a curb and bit it on the sidewalk. Hoon says it was a faceplant, but I do not concur! My elbows protected my face, thus not a true face plant! Alcohol may have had a large role in this unfortunate occurrence, but it also gave me the strength to power through the pain! I kept dancing and ignored the little voice whispering that well, my knees did really hurt and ow jeans chafe a lot don't they? After finally gettin back to UniLodge, I peeled back my jeans, only to find a scrape/cut/bloody oozing abrasian the size of a quarter on my right knee along with a hole in my jeans...and various other scrapes on my body. So I sat there while Austin patched me up and Beej forced me to use soap to clean it off :(. OW, behold the power of goon, the devil's drink.

Let's just say the next day I was tired beyond belief. blah blah i'm getting lazy but basically we went to rooftop again to celebrate Spyro's birthday, who was awfully morose and serious. he basically reminded me that each birthday is bittersweet. Oh, how I wish I were back in freshman year again. There are so many things I would have done differently! Sigh, anyway we meant to go to st. jerome's because it was closing for good since the building that owned the alleyway it was in wanted to expand :(. Farewell epically cool little bar! Then went to Tof which was in the same building as Rooftop. Melbourne is just so good at utilizing space! This one building has 4 or 5 bars/clubs in it, each of which has a very unique layout. Tof in particular was like a maze of different areas. It really catered to your personality and what you preferred doing on a night out. There was a dancing area + bar, an outside area where you could smoke and be more laidback, or a secluded intimate booth area where you could actually shut out the rest of the club with your own sliding door and a button to summon the waitress--BEST PART would be the collection of trashy romance novels they provided. I don't know exactly what kind of shenanigans they wanted to encourage, but Austin ended up stealing one.

And unsurprisingly, we poor college students shunned the pricey menu and went to Mac-ers instead and ended up eating on the State Library lawn--classy I know. We decided that an appropriate end to the night would be a rolling down the hill race. I lost... but then did it 3 more times just for kicks :). Went back to UniLodge only to find a cockroach AGH that austin helped me kill--WAY TO BE MAJORLY RESILIENT, MR. BUG. He ended up helping me cut up cardboard to plug any nooks or crannies in my room since we were pretty sure the bug crawled out from there...and to make matters worse! Austin spent the entire time convincing me that his room is haunted. I found it very reminiscent of Barber's creepy hospital experience. Austin's is even more compelling though because Justin was THERE TOO. and supposedly there's a creepy girl and old man always popping up when he's sleeping/waking up. CREEPY. I refuse to think about such things because we all know I am a wuss wuss wuss.

Watched the boys barricade beej's door, only to be surprised and sprayed with dubious looking white-liquidy concoction... woke up this morning needing to pee REALLY REALLY BADLY, only to find the barricade in front of MY DOOR. As I crawled out from underneath the stacks of chairs and tables with my bladder full and DYING, I thought to myself, "well, 'snot a bad weekend at all." :)

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